This picture was taken 8am.
There are advantages to a late sunrise in this Northern hemisphere winter.
It was freezing and the park was unnaturally empty.
I have shown these parakeets that escaped London zoo in the 1960's and they hang about the London royal parks.
They are spoiled as they get people who stick apples on the branches for them to snack on.

I normally am not into cross country skiing but we had an afternoon before dinner at Faviken.

There was early snowfall so the crowds hadn't gone up yet and it was midweek so we had the trails to ourselves.

We did hear howling in the middle of at least one of my mates falling down and in the distance we saw a dog sled.

This image was worth the trip to Sweden alone.

There are these peculiar stores in Sweden that sell tobacco
( cigars, cigarettes, and loose ) and then on the other side...
They sell every variety of chocolates and sweets.
I have a feeling that they smoke more than tobacco.
I hadn't seen this much Mountain Dew since I was at a Walmart in Carlsbad, New Mexico.
The lodge we were staying at in Are had original drawings from the late 1800's.
Signs reflect so much that assume innate local culture such as this.
There are always theories and counter theories and conspiracies.
One of the more prevailing ones of late -
especially since Prince's death when he made it "pop culture" - pardon the pun.
One of the more prevailing ones of late -
especially since Prince's death when he made it "pop culture" - pardon the pun.
Whatever you may think, I gotta wonder why the hell there are so many in the middle of the day in central London? Prince William does fly over often but his helicopter doesn't leave chemtrails.
In other things going on above us, these are this year's decorations on Regent Street.
I did like this 17th century panel as a coffee table.
Always an oasis of calm.
I am not particularly religious but I adore Sassoferrato.
I thought installation art was a modern concept but like everything else, they have been doing it for ages.