Thursday, 31 January 2019

January 2018 Miscellaneous Recap


Still can't reply to any comments so if I don't reply it is Google's fault.

But I thought I should try to post regardless.

I feel that they are doing this to phase blogging out...

But those who know me know that I love a theory of any kind, conspiracy or not.

Isn't this perfect because it is so true?

Self explanatory.
 I posted on IG but I know that many are not on IG.

I would have bought these but
 I already have too much stuff I don't use.

I am really enjoying this book because you can just read a few pages about a specific color: reason why it is called what it is respectively, source, and history.

This is a train carriage placed on top of a building.

Guys really do have it easier when it comes to clothes.
 Look at the lining choices for a suit my brother is getting made.
Millie was so well behaved while my brother disappeared into a special room where they scanned his body with software instead  of someone measuring his elbow to his wrist etc.

Did I tell you that the pool where I stayed in while 
I went skiing in Flaine did not allow swimming shorts? 
My brother was told to buy speedos. 
He refused so he wasn't allowed back in the pool!

I would suggest Flaine as a ski destination.
I was originally reluctant to go somewhere new.
I like where I usually go because I have my routine.
 But my brother and his friend said Flaine had good off piste and as I was only a dabbler ski bunny that they would get precedence of choosing.

Flaine is a purpose built ski/hiking town that was a project of a very wealthy couple.
Most of the buildings have the 1960's architectural bent mostly designed by Marcel Breuer.
 I went on a tour on a poor ski day.
I found this open kitchen which still is very avant grade.
 There were a few listed fireplaces dispersed around the town.

Friday, 18 January 2019

Happy new year!


Will i ever able to blog again????

Hope this works because I have been not been able to comment nor post.

In any case

Happy new year!