Don't you just love this book cover?
It's not the outside jacket but it should be.
I got Paolo Moschino's new book because even though I am trying to limit my books I got it because it features London properties.
I got Paolo Moschino's new book because even though I am trying to limit my books I got it because it features London properties.
I saw a documentary on Faberge and it piqued my interest that I wanted a permanent reference on my shelves.
I saw a fantastic play at the Donmar called Saint Joan.
It was about Joan of Arc but mirrored present day issues such as Aleppo, religious fanaticism and references to Frexit -
French Brexit.
You really should watch it if you are in town.

Don't you find bins tough to assimilate into your home even if you aren't into decor?
I got this on sale and I love it because it has an insert to easily dispose of rubbish.
I might get another one now.

Post offices were going to go the way of dinosaurs and yet now they are so pivotal.
This was the queue in January and not before Christmas!
I saw a fantastic play at the Donmar called Saint Joan.
It was about Joan of Arc but mirrored present day issues such as Aleppo, religious fanaticism and references to Frexit -
French Brexit.
You really should watch it if you are in town.

Don't you find bins tough to assimilate into your home even if you aren't into decor?
I got this on sale and I love it because it has an insert to easily dispose of rubbish.
I might get another one now.

Post offices were going to go the way of dinosaurs and yet now they are so pivotal.
This was the queue in January and not before Christmas!
I had a bit of a hiccup this month with a friend.
It was so mentally exhausting and I rarely need a drink
but after an "episode" I drank a few gin and tonics.
While it is never nice to argue,
I think it is nice to lighten the load and rid your life of toxic people.
It was so mentally exhausting and I rarely need a drink
but after an "episode" I drank a few gin and tonics.
While it is never nice to argue,
I think it is nice to lighten the load and rid your life of toxic people.
I bought mixed bulbs last autumn and dumped them in the courtyard as it is meant to be chilled but then forgot to label them.
I am getting closer to thinking about a dog but just trying to figure out logistics.
Also I am afraid I might never leave the house again.
I find that when Millie is around I just hang out with her all day and only go to the park.

But I did go skiing with my brother but this time around he was better than me.
We were highly competitive as children and that only carried on the first day and I had to admit defeat which he relished so much.
He advised me to compete against myself and I got an app to see my improvement.
Ski tracks lite was my daily.
Ski tracks lite was my daily.
I normally chase the sun but it seemed the Vitamin D supplements were working and I didn't feel the need to sit by a pool.
I loved the drastic hourly difference in the mountains.
I do love the three valleys for the difference in landscape and ambiance.
Just remember that there are certain runs like the one below that are not insurable.
Don't forget you need separate insurance for off piste skiing
which I didn't and my brother was chaperoning me
the day I went off piste.
Apres ski was fun but I didn't last outside so I did it mostly inside in front of a fire.
Luckily I took the direct ski train back to London which was convenient.
But Calais is thoroughly depressing. I never really noticed all the fences before.
But here is to the year of the rooster - may it be a peaceful one! x